Nilde Guerra
NILDE GUERRA was born in S. Potito of Lugo(Ra), a parish belonging to the diocese of Faenza,on 29th January 1922 of a working class family.
Still in her prime she was attracted by the monastic life, but her poor health prevented her from fulfilling her religious vocation because only after one month’s novitiate among the «Ancelle del S. Cuore di Gesù Agonizzante» in Lugo, she had to leave the convent. Jesus wanted her, fervent in love, but amid the people in the world.
She enriched her spiritual life through prayers, silence, mortification, and devoted herself to the parish apostolate, to the Catholic Actionand to Catechism.
On 8th December 1947 she offered herself asa «victim» for the conversion of sinners. In 1948 her illness became more and more grievous, her endurance was heroic: she was afraid not to be allowed to suffer enough on behalf of sinners. On 19th May 1949, just before being submitted to a surgical operation, she died with a smile on her lips.
Nilde’s Thoughts
«To love, to suffer, to be silent, to devote oneself to God». Just as Christ wanted to be immolated and sacrificed, so I want to suffer, first becauseI would like to make amends for all my sins, second for the conversion of all my beloved ones, then for the priests’ sanctification... I am really happy, I am enjoying such a sweet peace, also among the agonies I am called upon to suffer. Alleluia, alleluia.… let the little victim he slowly consumed for the greater glory of God. Suffering for God, with God, in God, is such an exalting experience. . .
0 Jesus, | thank You for the gifts Youlavished on your venerable Nilde Guerra. Thanks to the loving obedience to YourWill and to the painful martyrdom of theheart she accepted in the name of Thy love and the greatness of Thy mercy and to grant me the grace | ask You through Her intercession.
Three: «Glory Be to the Father».